- 26 岁的杰克·保罗是拳击界的新救世主,还是营销技巧比他的拳头更有冲击力的“妄想症”推广人?这取决于你在《UNTOLD: Jake Paul the Problem Child》中问的是谁。本片大胆地深入探讨了一个来自俄亥俄州的天真孩子如何从网络红人变成体育界最具两极化的人。每有一个高调的批评者(U
6Contemporary Moscow. After a car accident, champion athlete Sergey Borozdin suddenly has a psychic ability to see past events. When he becomes a suspe人咬狗
7热爱吟诵诗歌且幽默健谈的杀手贝罗特(Benoît Poelvoorde 饰)自费请来一支摄制组为他拍摄纪录片。在镜头前,他毫无保留且毫无隐讳地展现每次行凶的全过程,并悉心讲解不同的杀人技巧。摄制组成员从最初的观众逐渐演变成贝罗特的帮凶,这一种疯狂之人仿佛失控的汽车,飞速向毁灭的终点驶去…… 本片成返乡之路
4The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high